Lori Russell Dağ, instructor in Computer Engineering Department, received 2021 Bilkent University Distinguished Teaching Award.
Lori joined Bilkent University in Spring 2001. Since then, she did extraordinary contributions to our department and Bilkent University in terms of teaching in many different ways. She has been teaching various introductory programming courses including CS101, CS115, CS125, and CS123.
She is a member of ACM and she chaired ACM-W Europe Chapters Working Group in 2016 and 2017. She worked to encourage and support the establishment of ACM-
Women student and professional chapters throughout Europe.
Bilkent University uses a nomination-based teaching awards procedure, which provides the teaching awards committee with documentation from students, alumni, and colleagues, uses explicit criteria and requires that nominators address the criteria, takes a long-term view and assesses teaching over time and over a number of different courses. A process that results in more thought about teaching by nominators, faculty committees, Department Chairs, and Deans is expected to raise the profile of teaching at Bilkent and is likely to improve teaching at Bilkent.
Bilkent University Distinguished Teaching Awards for 2021 are presented to the recipients on graduation day. See in Bilkent New.